Select Station

There are three ways to select a station from the climate or hydrology data tool: by state, by keyword or ID, by radius.

Search by State

To select a station by state, select a state from the drop down menu and click Search.

Search by Keyword or COOP ID

To search by keyword or ID, type a keyword or the station's COOP ID into the box and click Search.

Search by Radius

To search by radius, first either type the coordinates into the appropriate fields, or click a location on the center map. Next, choose a search radius from the drop down menu. Finally, click Search.

Search Results

The list of search results will be displayed in the box on the right. Also, the stations should appear as points on the map.

Choosing a Dataset

Before a station is selected, be sure to determine which dataset should be used. The serially complete dataset will be chosen by default. This is also the recommended selection as it will provide access to more indices.

Finalize Selection

To finalize the station selection, either click a station in the results list, or click a station on the center map. The appropriate station will be highlighted in the results list the Update Selection button will appear. Click on the Update Selection button to finalize the station selection. At this point the station selection tools will close and the data area will appear at the bottom of the page.

Selecting a Different Station

While viewing the data, it is possible to select a new station. Simply click on the Select a New Station button in the upper right-hand portion of the screen. This will re-open the station selection tools. The procedure is the same as it was during initial station selection.